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2.4.3. Practice: Two Quizzes

When comparing objects or actions...

    • if one of them has more of an attribute than another, the adjective or adverb used to describe the attribute is preceded by по-, for example: добар 'good' - подобар 'better;'
    • if one of them has the most of that attribute, the adjective or adverb describing the attribute is preceded by нај-, for example: добар 'good' - најдобар 'the best.'

Remember that the ending of the adjective has to reflect the gender of the noun it is describing, whether the noun is after it (for example, подобар чај 'better tea') or before it (for example, Чајот е подобар 'the tea is better').

To express "than" in comparisons, i.e. A is better than B, you can use "отколку," as was shown in the previous tutorial, or in a more limited number of cases, you can use "од," as was shown in this practice survey.

What next?

    • Want to hear the vocabulary of these tutorials in context? Try these audiocasts: Comparisons and The Beauties of Macedonia. When you're done, don't forget to come back to the Learn portion of the website.
    • Think you got it? Move on to learn about expressing possession (click here).


Click on the Macedonian word to hear its pronunciation.