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4.3.3. Other Uses of Short Indirect Object Pronouns

To review, the short indirect object pronouns are:

subject short indirect object





тој or тоа


таа ѝ
ние ни
вие ви
тие ти

Note that the feminine form, ѝ, has an accent mark above it. This helps distinguish it from the conjunction и, meaning "and," in writing. However, the two words are pronounced the same. 

Unlike the previous tutorial, when these short words were most often translated as "my, your, his/its, her, our, your (plural), their), in this tutorial they most often carry the meaning of "I, you, he/it, she, you (plural), they," as in the examples:

  • Што ти е? What's the matter with you?
  • Ми се допаѓа палтото. I like the jacket.
  • Му се јаде. He feels like eating/He's hungry.
  • Им треба ли конец? Do they need string/yarn?

In this tutorial, these short words were also sometimes translated as "me, you, him/it, her, us, you, them," when the person they represent is the indirect object, as in the examples:

  • Ми пречи кога луѓето пушат. It bothers me when people smoke.
  • Дајте ни кафe. Give (plural or polite/formal) us coffee.
  • Донеси ѝ појадок. Bring (singular, informal) her breakfast.

Lastly, in one usage, the short words were translated with the possessive (as in the previous tutorial), as in the examples:

  • Најомилено јадење ми е мусака. My favorite food is mousaka.
  • Кој пијалок Ви е омилен? What drink is your (plural, polite/formal) favorite?

Turning to a discussion of where in the sentence to place these short forms, the examples show that they are found at the beginning of the sentence (such as in He's hungry or It bothers me) or second:

  • after a question/question phrase (such as What or What drink but not the question marker ли),
  • after a noun/noun phrase (such as Favorite food (to me))
  • after an imperative (such as Give or Bring)

Some of the needs and feelings can be expressed in two ways. Using the indirect object pronouns, as you saw in this tutorial; and using subject pronouns. Compare the following examples:

With indirect object pronouns With subject pronouns OR
implied subject pronouns
Ми се јаде.
I feel like eating.

Јас сум гладен/гладна. 
Гладен/гладна сум.
I'm hungry.

Ми се пие вода.
I feel like drinking water.
Јас сум жеден/жедна.
Жеден/жедна сум.
I'm thirsty.
Страв ми е.
I'm scared.
Јас се плашам.
Се плашам.
I'm afraid.

For a more complete list of these expressions, purchase the children's book: Needs and Feelings.

What next?

    • Do you need more examples of expressing needs and feelings? Check out the Needs and Feelings book and iBook (click here).
    • Want to practice the short indirect object pronoun forms in a fun way? Click here for a wordsearch. When you're done, don't forget to return to the Learn portion of the website.
    • Think you got it? Move on to the short DIRECT object pronouns and see how they are used to express pain (click here).


Click on the Macedonian word to hear its pronunciation.
  • благодари - imperfective verb - thank (perfective is заблагодари)
  • боја - noun - color
  • вода - noun - water
  • гладен - adjective - hungry
  • гума - noun - tire, rubber
  • да - yes or to between verbs
  • дава - imperfective verb - give (perfective is даде)
  • ден - noun - day
  • до - preposition - until
  • еве - adverb - here (you go)
  • еден, една, едно, едни - numeral - one
  • за да - conjunction - in order to
  • заспие - perfective verb - fall asleep (imperfective is заспива)
  • и - conjunction - and
  • игла - noun - needle
  • има - imperfective verb - have
  • јадење - noun - food, eating
  • каков, каква, какво, какви - interrogative - what, what kind
  • кога - interrogative - when
  • кој, која, кое, кои - interrogative - which (one)
  • конец - noun - string, yarn
  • купи - perfective verb - buy (imperfective is купува)
  • луѓе - noun - people (plural of човек)
  • многу - adjective/adverb - a lot, much, many
  • може - imperfective verb - can, be able to
  • молив - noun - pencil
  • музика - noun - music
  • мусака - noun - mousaka, a Macedonian and Greek dish
  • на - preposition - on, at, to
  • направи - perfective verb - make, do (imperfective is прави)
  • не - negation - no, not
  • никако - adverb - in no way
  • но - conjunction - but, however
  • носи, донесе - verb - bring, carry
  • одмор - noun - vacation, rest
  • омилен - adjective - favorite
  • отиде - perfective verb - go (imperfective is оди)
  • пијалок - noun - drink
  • плажа - noun - beach
  • плаче - imperfective verb - cry (perfective is заплаче, begin to cry)
  • повели/повелете - phrase - here you (singular/plural) go
  • појадок - noun - breakfast
  • помфрит - noun - French fries, pommes frites
  • портокалов - adjective - orange
  • постојано - adverb - constantly
  • пречи - imperfective verb - bother, come in the way (perfective is попречи)
  • продавница - noun - store
  • разгледува - imperfective verb - sightsee, look around (perfective is разгледа)
  • сака - imperfective verb - want, like, love (perfective is засака, begin to want/like/love)
  • само - adverb - only
  • се допаѓа - imperfective verb - like (perfective is се допадне)
  • се дупнува - imperfective verb - get a puncture, a hole (perfective is се дупне)
  • се жали - imperfective verb - complain (perfective is се пожали)
  • (се) јаде - imperfective verb - eat (perfective is изеде)
  • се кине - imperfective verb - tear (perfective is се скине)
  • се крши - imperfective verb - break (perfective is се скрши)
  • се лоши - imperfective verb - sleep (perfective is се слоши)
  • (се) пие - imperfective verb - drink (perfective is испие)
  • (се) спие - imperfective verb - sleep (perfective is заспие)
  • секако - adverb - of course
  • секогаш - adverb - always
  • секој - adjective - every
  • син - adjective - blue
  • сок - noun - juice
  • топка - noun - ball
  • торта - noun - cake
  • треба - imperfective verb - need 
  • тука - noun - here
  • уште - adverb - more, still, yet
  • фустан - noun - dress
  • хамбургер - noun - hamburger
  • цвеќиња - noun - flowers (plural of цвеќе)
  • црвен - adjective - red
  • чај - noun - tea
  • чешма - noun - faucet, water fountain, spring (where water comes out of the ground)
  • шеќер - noun - sugar
  • што - interrogative - what