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4.3.1. Introduction to the Object Pronouns

The object pronouns include long and short direct and indirect forms. In addition to expressing the direct and indirect objects, they are also used for possession (only with nouns denoting family members), expressing certain feelings and needs, with certain verbs (such as боли "hurt"), adverbs (such as in the phrase мило ми е"Nice to meet you"), for expressing subjective-intimate relationships (како си ми? "how are you (to me)" i.e. how are you doing, I'd like to know), and as objects of prepositions (на мене "to me").

subject direct object (long) direct object (short) indirect object (long) indirect object (short)
јас мене ме мене/на мене ми
ти тебе те тебе/на тебе ти
тој/тоа него го нему/на него му
таа неа ја нејзе/на неа и
ние нас не нам/на нас ни
вие вас ве вам/на вас ви
тие нив ги ним/на нив им
reflexive себе се себе/себеси си

What next?

Next, explore each of the categories of pronouns in the table above.

    • You can start with the short indirect object pronouns by focusing on one of their uses - talking about family members (click here).
    • You can also see how the short indirect object pronouns are used for expressing needs and feelings (click here). To see even more examples, purchase the book or iBook about needs and feelings (click here).