replica rolex Aorist of I-verbs (part 1)

Remember that there are three types of verbs based on their last vowel in the dictionary form: a-verbs, e-verbs, and и-verbs, i.e. those ending in a, e, and и, respectively, in the form found in the dictionary. Remember also that based on their aspect, there are two types of verbs: imperfective and perfective. In forming the past tenses, three questions need to be kept in mind:

    • what is the aspect of the verb,
    • whether the last vowel of the dictionary form changes (and if so, to what), and
    • what the endings are.

The aorist (минато определено свршено време - МОС) is the second past tense you will learn about. It is made from perfective verbs. In this tutorial, you learn about a subgroup of perfective verbs that end in и in the dictionary, for which the и does not change. To make the aorist, the following endings are added

  • јас -в
  • ти, тој, таа, тоа -
  • ние -вме
  • вие -вте
  • тие -а

where the - represents the dictionary form.

Note that when the the third person plural ending -a is added to the verb ending in -и, the spelling rule that adds a 'j' between all 'иа' vowel combinations is enforced. For example, се вратив 'I came back' but се вратија 'they came back.'

What next?

    • Next, finish learning about the aorist by examining a few more i-verbs (click here).


Click on the Macedonian word to hear its pronunciation.
  • ама - conjunction - but
  • вчера - adverb - yesterday
  • да - yes or to (between verbs)
  • долго - adverb - for a long time, in a long time
  • дома - adverb - at home, to home, home
  • за - preposition - for, about
  • заврши - perfective verb - finish (imperfective is завршува)
  • замок - noun - castle
  • здраво - greeting - hello
  • и - conjunction - and
  • испрати - perfective verb - mail, send, send away (imperfective is испраќа)
  • кога - interrogative - when
  • купи - perfective verb - buy, purchase (imperfective is купува)
  • ли - interrogative - not translated, question marker
  • маица - noun - shirt, T-shirt
  • на - preposition - on, at, to, of
  • направи - perfective verb - make, do (imperfective is прави)
  • научи - perfective verb - learn (imperfective is учи, study)
  • не - negation - no, not
  • нешто - noun - something
  • ништо - noun - nothing
  • од - preposition - from
  • оди - imperfective verb - go, walk (perfective is отиде)
  • одмор - noun - vacation, rest
  • писмо - noun - letter
  • поразговара - perfective verb - have a talk, discuss (imperfective is разговара)
  • прими - perfective verb - receive, accept (imperfective is прима)
  • реши - perfective verb - decide, solve, resolve (imperfective is решава)
  • се врати - perfective verb - return, come back (imperfective is се враќа)
  • скијање - noun - skiing
  • сувенир - noun - souvenir
  • учи, научи - verb - study (imperfective), learn (perfective)
  • уште не - adverb - not yet