replica rolex

4.2.6. Directions

Извинете "Excuse me" is an imperative, used when the speaker is trying to be polite. If the listener is a friend or someone younger than the speaker, the speaker could say извини "Excuse me" instead.

When asking about the location of a site, you can use either the verb е (се for a site that is plural) or се наоѓа (се наоѓаат for plural) - there is no difference in the meaning conveyed.

When asking about a site that is a proper noun, such as Универзална сала, Кале, or Хераклеа, do not use a definite article. However, when the name of the site is more descriptive, such as Соборна црква or Камен мост, or a common noun, such as улица or плоштад - you need a definite article on the end of that noun. For example:

  • Извинете, дали знаете каде се наоѓа Универзална сала?
  • Извинете, дали знаете каде се наоѓа Соборната црква?
  • Извинете, дали знаете каде се наоѓа улицата ...?

What next?

    • Want a fun way to practice? Try the Directions simulation (click here). When you're done, don't forget to come back to the Learn portion of the website.
    • Think you got it? Click here to learn about the object pronouns, which you can use to ask people to do something for you.


Click on the Macedonian word to hear its pronunciation.
  • автобус - noun - bus
  • благодари - imperfective verb - thank (perfective is заблагодари)
  • молам - phrase - you're welcome (from the imperfective verb моли, beg, plead, pray)
  • број - noun - number
  • види - perfective verb - see, look (imperfective is гледа)
  • го - pronoun, see the Lesson 3 in this unit
  • да - yes
  • далеку - adverb - far
  • дали - interrogative - whether (or not translated if at the beginning of the sentence, just marks a question)
  • дваесет и четири - numeral - 24
  • десно - adverb - right
  • знае - imperfective verb - know (perfective is дознае, find out)
  • извини - perfective verb - excuse, forgive (imperfective is извинува)
  • каде - interrogative - where
  • кај - preposition - near, at, to/at a person's house
  • кон - preposition - towards
  • лево - adverb - left
  • малку - adverb - a little, a few
  • минута - noun - minute
  • на - preposition - on, at, to
  • налево - adverb - to the left
  • не - negation - no, not
  • неколку - adjective - several
  • но - conjunction - but
  • оди - imperfective verb - go, walk (perfective is отиде)
  • околу - preposition - around
  • па - conjunction - well, then, and then
  • пет - numeral - 5
  • плоштад - noun - square
  • по - preposition - along, after
  • покрај - preposition - near, alongside
  • потоа - conjunction - then
  • пошта - noun - post office
  • право - adverb - straight
  • прв - numeral - first
  • преку - preposition - over, across
  • продолжи - perfective verb - continue (imperfective is продолжува)
  • река - noun - river
  • сврти - perfective verb - turn (imperfective is врти)
  • се качи - perfective verb - climb (imperfective is се качува)
  • се наоѓа - imperfective verb - is found (perfective is се најде)
  • се симне - perfective verb - get down, climb down (imperfective is се симнува)
  • станица - noun - station
  • сум, биде - verb - be
  • тоа - pronoun - it, that
  • трафика - noun - newstand
  • три - numeral - 3
  • тука - adverb - here
  • улица - noun - street
  • црква - noun - church