replica rolex

5.3.4. Practice: Imperfect and aorist

Prior to trying this tutorial, you can review how to form and use the imperfect (минато определено несвршено време - МОН)(click here) and review the aorist (минато определено свршено време - МОС) (click here). In this tutorial, you practice using these two tenses in the following contexts:

    • comparing habitual or repetitive actions in the past (imperfect) with one-time actions in the past (aorist),
    • two or more imperfects simultaneously,
    • two or more imperfects in a sequence,
    • two or more aorists in a sequence,
    • imperfect to describe a background action, when or while the aorist happens, interrupts, or ends the imperfect action
    • aorist as the beginning of an imperfect action. 

What next?

    • Think you got it? Move on to learn about discussing past actions that you did not witness (click here).


Click on the Macedonian word to hear its pronunciation.
  • авион - noun - airplane
  • автобус - noun - bus
  • автомобил - noun - car
  • аеродром - noun - airport
  • багажник - noun - trunk (of a car)
  • број - noun - number
  • веднаш - adverb - immediately
  • внук - noun - grandson, nephew
  • внука - noun - granddaughter, niece
  • во - preposition - in, to, at
  • воз - noun - train
  • вози - imperfective verb - drive (perfective is повози, drive for a little while)
  • време - noun - time, weather
  • гледа , виде - verb - see, look, watch
  • град - noun - city, town
  • гума - noun - tire, rubber
  • два - numeral - two
  • дваесет - numeral - twenty
  • ден - noun - day
  • десет - numeral - ten
  • до - preposition - until, to, next to
  • добие - perfective verb - get, receive (imperfective is добива)
  • добредојде - phrase - welcome!
  • дојде - perfective verb - come, arrive (imperfective is доаѓа)
  • долго - adverb - for a long time
  • дома - adverb - to home, at home
  • екскурзија - noun - excursion
  • за - preposition - for, in order to, in (with time)
  • заедно - adverb - together
  • заспие -perfective verb - fall asleep (imperfective is заспива)
  • зборува - imperfective verb - speak (perfective is прозбори , start speaking)
  • зет - noun - son-in-law (when parents speaking), brother-in-law (when brothers/sisters speaking)
  • излезе - perfective verb - exit, get out (imperfective is излегува)
  • изморен - adjective - tired
  • кога - interrogative, conjunction - when
  • кон - preposition - towards, to
  • конечно - adverb - finally
  • куфер - noun - suitcase
  • лет - noun - flight
  • лета - imperfective verb - fly (perfectives are долета, fly here, одлета, fly away)
  • луѓе - noun (plural) - people
  • мајка - noun - mother
  • минута - noun - minute
  • многу - adverb, adjective - a lot, many, much, very
  • мој - possessive - my
  • музика - noun - music
  • на - preposition - on, at, to, in, of
  • на крај - phrase - at the end, finally
  • не - negation - no, not
  • недела - noun - sunday, week
  • неколку - adjective - several, a few
  • нема - imperfective verb - not have (perfective is снема, disappear)
  • никаков - adjective - no kind of
  • но - conjunction - but, however
  • нов - adjective - new
  • нови сили - phrase - renewed strength
  • ноќ - noun - night
  • од - preposition - from, of
  • оди, отиде - verb - go, walk
  • одмор - noun - vacation, rest
  • околу - preposition - around
  • пасошка контрола - phrase - passport control
  • пат - noun - road, trip
  • патува - imperfective verb - travel (perfectives are допатува, travel here; одпатува, travel away from here)
  • патување - noun - trip
  • пишува, напише - verb - write
  • плаче, се расплака - verb - cry, begin to cry
  • полноќ - noun - midnight
  • половина - noun - half
  • помогне - perfective verb - help (imperfective is помага)
  • посака - perfective verb - want, wish for (imperfective is сака, like, love, want)
  • потоа - conjunction - then, after that
  • прашува - imperfective verb - ask a question (perfective is праша)
  • прво - adverb - first, firstly
  • пријателство - noun - friendship
  • проблем - noun - problem
  • продолжи - perfective verb - continue (imperfective is продолжува)
  • разгледува, разгледа - verb - sightsee, look around
  • раскажува - imperfective verb - tell a story, retell a story, narrate (perfective is раскаже)
  • сé - noun - everything
  • се вози - imperfective verb - ride in a vehicle (perfective is се повози, ride in a vehicle for a little while)
  • се дупнe - perfective verb - get a hole, puncture (imperfective is се дупнува)
  • се заблагодари - perfective verb - thank (imperfective is се заблагодарува)
  • се качи - perfective verb - climb up to, climb on to (imperfective is се качува)
  • се поздрави - perfective verb - greet, say hello (imperfective is се поздравува)
  • седи - imperfective verb - sit, be sitting down (perfective is седне)
  • секој - adjective - every
  • сестра - noun - sister
  • си легнува, си легне - verb - lie down
  • сите - noun - everyone, everybody
  • скали - noun (plural) - stairs, staircase
  • слуша - imperfective verb - listen (perfective is слушне, hear)
  • смени - perfective verb - change (imperfective is менува)
  • со - preposition - with
  • среќа - noun - happiness, luck
  • среќен - adjective - happy, lucky
  • стави - perfective verb - put, place (imperfective is става)
  • стигне - perfective verb - arrive (imperfective is стигнува)
  • такси - noun - taxi, cab
  • таксист - noun - taxi driver, cab driver
  • татко - noun - father
  • телевизија - noun - television programming (not the TV itself)
  • тогаш - adverb - then
  • тргне - perfective verb - set out, head out (imperfective is тргнува)
  • царинска контрола - phrase - customs, the place you declare what you bring into the country
  • цел - adjective - entire, whole
  • час - noun - hour
  • чека - imperfective verb - wait (perfective is почека, wait for a little while)