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About us
The Macedonian Alphabet
Alphabet Practice: Geography
1: Introductions
1.1. Pronouns
1.2.1. A-verbs (part 1)
1.2.2. A-verbs (part 2)
1.2.3. A-verbs (part 3)
1.2.4. Practice: A-verbs
1.3.1. E-verbs (part 1)
1.3.2. E-verbs (part 2)
1.3.3. Practice: E-verbs
1.4.1. I-verbs (part 1)
1.4.2. I-verbs (part 2)
1.4.3. Practice: I-verbs
1.5.1. To be/сум (part 1)
1.5.2. To be/сум (part 2)
1.6.1. Negation (part 1)
1.6.2. Negation (part 2)
2: Descriptions
2.1.1. Noun Gender
2.1.2. Adjective Gender
2.1.3. Practice: Colors Colors for Describing Objects
2.1.4. Practice: Guessing game
2.1.5. Practice: Needs and Feelings
2.2.1. Masculine Noun Plural
2.2.2. Feminine Noun Plural
2.2.3. Neuter Noun Plural
2.2.4. Adjective Plural
2.2.5. Practice: Guess who?
2.2.6. Practice: Noun and adjective plural
2.3.1. Noun Definiteness
2.3.2. Adjective Definiteness
2.3.3. Practice: Noun and adjective definiteness
2.4.1. Comparisons
2.4.2. Demonstratives
2.4.3. Practice: Two Quizzes
2.5.1. Possessives
2.5.2. Practice: Whose?
2.5.3. One's Own
3: Numbers, time, the future
3.1.1. Cardinal Numbers (1-10)
3.1.2. Cardinal Numbers (11-100)
3.1.3. Cardinal Numbers (Hundreds)
3.1.4. Cardinal Numbers (Thousands)
3.1.5. Cardinal Numbers (Millions)
3.2.1. Time
3.2.2. Age
3.3.1. The Week Practice: Song: Days of the week
3.3.2. Reflexive Verbs
3.3.3. Time Prepositions
3.3.4. Quantitative Plural
3.4.1. Future Tense
3.4.2. Future Tense (сум)
3.4.3. Future Tense Negation
3.4.4. Practice: Weather forecast
3.5.1. Months
3.5.2. Ordinal Numbers
3.5.3. Dates
3.5.4. Seasons
4: Ordering, giving, receiving
4.1.1. Introduction to Aspect Practice: Aspect in the future Modal Verbs and Da
4.2.1. Adverbs and Prepositions of Space
4.2.2. Practice: Store Descriptions
4.2.3. Imperatives
4.2.4. Practice: Poem excerpts
4.2.5. Other Commands
4.2.6. Directions
4.3.1. Introduction to the Object Pronouns
4.3.2. Short Indirect Object Pronouns: Describing Family
4.3.3. Other Uses of Short Indirect Object Pronouns
4.3.4. Short Direct Object Pronouns: Describing Pain
4.3.5. Short Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns: Pain Part 2
4.3.6. Reduplication: Short Indirect and Direct Object Pronouns Together
4.4.1. Long Indirect Object Pronouns: Likes and Dislikes
4.4.2. Long Direct Object Pronouns: Ordering Drinks
5: Past events
5.1. Introduction to the Past Tenses
5.2.1. Imperfect of A-verbs
5.2.2. Imperfect of E-verbs
5.2.3. Imperfect of I-verbs
5.2.4. Imperfect of сум
5.3.1. Aorist of A-verbs Aorist of E-verbs (part 1) Aorist of E-verbs (part 2) Aorist of E-verbs (part 3) Aorist of I-verbs (part 1) Aorist of I-verbs (part 2)
5.3.4. Practice: Imperfect and aorist
5.4.1. L-form of A-verbs L-form of E-verbs (part 1) L-form of E-verbs (part 2)
5.4.3. L-form of I-verbs
5.4.4. L-past
Live Online Macedonian Classes for Children
Beginner 1 Syllabus
Beginner 2 Syllabus
Beginner 3 Syllabus
Beginner 4 Syllabus
Special Topics: Cursive Writing Syllabus
Preschool Syllabus
For linguists
Live Online Macedonian Classes for Adults
1: Introduction
2: Another introduction
3: Kids introduction
4: On the phone
5: Getting to know you
6: Describing objects and people
7: Describing objects
8: Meeting an old friend
9: Comparisons
10: The Beauties of Macedonia
11: Plans for the Week
12: Scheduling a Meeting
13: Celebrating May 1st
14: Shopping for a Jacket
15: Shopping for Boots
16: Shopping for a Shirt
17: The Family and the Carrot
18: My Favorite Vacation
19: Teas and Home Remedies
20: Planning to Go Out
Culture and Folklore Texts
Forgiveness Day
Story Videos
Човекот со среќата во шупливата цреша
За твојот роденден
Трите сестри самовили
Алтаниниот мост
Children's Rhymes and Games
Стани, стани детенце
Малиот/малата ...
Сол макарон
Тапши, тапши
Две рачички
Кој се плаши
О мони мони ма
Шири шири
Ема есаса
Слики апарат
Сакате ли војна
Нека бие
Еци пеци пец
Глава рамења колена и прсти
Hokey Pokey/Cokey
Interactive games for children
Ordering Food and Drinks
Body Parts
Macedonian Cities
Video rhyme drawings
Crossword Puzzles
1. Pronouns
2. A-verbs
3. E-verbs
4. I-verbs
5. To be/Сум
6. Numbers (1-10)
7. Numbers (11-100)
8. Days of the week
9. Months of the year
10. Planets
11. Prepositions of space
12. Prepositions of time
13. Family
14. Imperatives
Short indirect object pronouns
Short direct object pronouns
Long indirect object pronouns
Long direct object pronouns
1. Numbers 1-10 (a)
2. Numbers 1-10 (b)
Directions Simulation
Vocabulary Jeopardy
- Registration Information
- About us
- - Publications
- Links
- Beginners
- - Pre-test
- - The Macedonian Alphabet
- - - Alphabet Practice: Geography
- - 1: Introductions
- - - 1.1. Pronouns
- - - 1.2.1. A-verbs (part 1)
- - - 1.2.2. A-verbs (part 2)
- - - 1.2.3. A-verbs (part 3)
- - - 1.2.4. Practice: A-verbs
- - - 1.3.1. E-verbs (part 1)
- - - 1.3.2. E-verbs (part 2)
- - - 1.3.3. Practice: E-verbs
- - - 1.4.1. I-verbs (part 1)
- - - 1.4.2. I-verbs (part 2)
- - - 1.4.3. Practice: I-verbs
- - - 1.5.1. To be/сум (part 1)
- - - 1.5.2. To be/сум (part 2)
- - - 1.6.1. Negation (part 1)
- - - 1.6.2. Negation (part 2)
- - 2: Descriptions
- - - 2.1.1. Noun Gender
- - - 2.1.2. Adjective Gender
- - - 2.1.3. Practice: Colors
- - - - Colors for Describing Objects
- - - 2.1.4. Practice: Guessing game
- - - 2.1.5. Practice: Needs and Feelings
- - - 2.2.1. Masculine Noun Plural
- - - 2.2.2. Feminine Noun Plural
- - - 2.2.3. Neuter Noun Plural
- - - 2.2.4. Adjective Plural
- - - 2.2.5. Practice: Guess who?
- - - 2.2.6. Practice: Noun and adjective plural
- - - 2.3.1. Noun Definiteness
- - - 2.3.2. Adjective Definiteness
- - - 2.3.3. Practice: Noun and adjective definiteness
- - - 2.4.1. Comparisons
- - - 2.4.2. Demonstratives
- - - 2.4.3. Practice: Two Quizzes
- - - 2.5.1. Possessives
- - - 2.5.2. Practice: Whose?
- - - 2.5.3. One's Own
- - 3: Numbers, time, the future
- - - 3.1.1. Cardinal Numbers (1-10)
- - - 3.1.2. Cardinal Numbers (11-100)
- - - 3.1.3. Cardinal Numbers (Hundreds)
- - - 3.1.4. Cardinal Numbers (Thousands)
- - - 3.1.5. Cardinal Numbers (Millions)
- - - 3.2.1. Time
- - - 3.2.2. Age
- - - 3.3.1. The Week
- - - - Practice: Song: Days of the week
- - - 3.3.2. Reflexive Verbs
- - - 3.3.3. Time Prepositions
- - - 3.3.4. Quantitative Plural
- - - 3.4.1. Future Tense
- - - 3.4.2. Future Tense (сум)
- - - 3.4.3. Future Tense Negation
- - - 3.4.4. Practice: Weather forecast
- - - 3.5.1. Months
- - - 3.5.2. Ordinal Numbers
- - - 3.5.3. Dates
- - - 3.5.4. Seasons
- - 4: Ordering, giving, receiving
- - - 4.1.1. Introduction to Aspect
- - - Practice: Aspect in the future
- - - Modal Verbs and Da
- - - 4.2.1. Adverbs and Prepositions of Space
- - - 4.2.2. Practice: Store Descriptions
- - - 4.2.3. Imperatives
- - - 4.2.4. Practice: Poem excerpts
- - - 4.2.5. Other Commands
- - - 4.2.6. Directions
- - - 4.3.1. Introduction to the Object Pronouns
- - - 4.3.2. Short Indirect Object Pronouns: Describing Family
- - - 4.3.3. Other Uses of Short Indirect Object Pronouns
- - - 4.3.4. Short Direct Object Pronouns: Describing Pain
- - - 4.3.5. Short Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns: Pain Part 2
- - - 4.3.6. Reduplication: Short Indirect and Direct Object Pronouns Together
- - - 4.4.1. Long Indirect Object Pronouns: Likes and Dislikes
- - - 4.4.2. Long Direct Object Pronouns: Ordering Drinks
- - 5: Past events
- - - 5.1. Introduction to the Past Tenses
- - - 5.2.1. Imperfect of A-verbs
- - - 5.2.2. Imperfect of E-verbs
- - - 5.2.3. Imperfect of I-verbs
- - - 5.2.4. Imperfect of сум
- - - 5.3.1. Aorist of A-verbs
- - - Aorist of E-verbs (part 1)
- - - Aorist of E-verbs (part 2)
- - - Aorist of E-verbs (part 3)
- - - Aorist of I-verbs (part 1)
- - - Aorist of I-verbs (part 2)
- - - 5.3.4. Practice: Imperfect and aorist
- - - 5.4.1. L-form of A-verbs
- - - L-form of E-verbs (part 1)
- - - L-form of E-verbs (part 2)
- - - 5.4.3. L-form of I-verbs
- - - 5.4.4. L-past
- Live Online Macedonian Classes for Children
- - Beginner 1 Syllabus
- - Beginner 2 Syllabus
- - Beginner 3 Syllabus
- - Beginner 4 Syllabus
- - Special Topics: Cursive Writing Syllabus
- - Preschool Syllabus
- For linguists
- Live Online Macedonian Classes for Adults
- Audiocasts
- - 1: Introduction
- - 2: Another introduction
- - 3: Kids introduction
- - 4: On the phone
- - 5: Getting to know you
- - 6: Describing objects and people
- - 7: Describing objects
- - 8: Meeting an old friend
- - 9: Comparisons
- - 10: The Beauties of Macedonia
- - 11: Plans for the Week
- - 12: Scheduling a Meeting
- - 13: Celebrating May 1st
- - 14: Shopping for a Jacket
- - 15: Shopping for Boots
- - 16: Shopping for a Shirt
- - 17: The Family and the Carrot
- - 18: My Favorite Vacation
- - 19: Teas and Home Remedies
- - 20: Planning to Go Out
- Culture and Folklore Texts
- - Bouquets
- - Draft
- - Superstitions
- - Forgiveness Day
- - Easter
- Story Videos
- - Човекот со среќата во шупливата цреша
- - За твојот роденден
- - Трите сестри самовили
- - Алтаниниот мост
- Children's Rhymes and Games
- - Стани, стани детенце
- - Малиот/малата ...
- - Коледе
- - Сол макарон
- - Тапши, тапши
- - Две рачички
- - Кој се плаши
- - Палчо
- - О мони мони ма
- - Шири шири
- - Ема есаса
- - Слики апарат
- - Сакате ли војна
- - Нека бие
- - Еци пеци пец
- - Глава рамења колена и прсти
- - Hokey Pokey/Cokey
- Interactive games for children
- - Ordering Food and Drinks
- - Body Parts
- - Macedonian Cities
- Video rhyme drawings
- - House
- - Person
- - Circle
- Crossword Puzzles
- - 1. Pronouns
- - 2. A-verbs
- - 3. E-verbs
- - 4. I-verbs
- - 5. To be/Сум
- - 6. Numbers (1-10)
- - 7. Numbers (11-100)
- - 8. Days of the week
- - 9. Months of the year
- - 10. Planets
- - 11. Prepositions of space
- - 12. Prepositions of time
- - 13. Family
- - 14. Imperatives
- Wordsearch
- - Short indirect object pronouns
- - Short direct object pronouns
- - Long indirect object pronouns
- - Long direct object pronouns
- Rebuses
- - 1. Numbers 1-10 (a)
- - 2. Numbers 1-10 (b)
- Directions Simulation
- Vocabulary Jeopardy
- Books
- Classes
- Translation
- Donate
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Story Videos
За твојот роденден
Registration Information
About us
The Macedonian Alphabet
Alphabet Practice: Geography
1: Introductions
1.1. Pronouns
1.2.1. A-verbs (part 1)
1.2.2. A-verbs (part 2)
1.2.3. A-verbs (part 3)
1.2.4. Practice: A-verbs
1.3.1. E-verbs (part 1)
1.3.2. E-verbs (part 2)
1.3.3. Practice: E-verbs
1.4.1. I-verbs (part 1)
1.4.2. I-verbs (part 2)
1.4.3. Practice: I-verbs
1.5.1. To be/сум (part 1)
1.5.2. To be/сум (part 2)
1.6.1. Negation (part 1)
1.6.2. Negation (part 2)
2: Descriptions
2.1.1. Noun Gender
2.1.2. Adjective Gender
2.1.3. Practice: Colors Colors for Describing Objects
2.1.4. Practice: Guessing game
2.1.5. Practice: Needs and Feelings
2.2.1. Masculine Noun Plural
2.2.2. Feminine Noun Plural
2.2.3. Neuter Noun Plural
2.2.4. Adjective Plural
2.2.5. Practice: Guess who?
2.2.6. Practice: Noun and adjective plural
2.3.1. Noun Definiteness
2.3.2. Adjective Definiteness
2.3.3. Practice: Noun and adjective definiteness
2.4.1. Comparisons
2.4.2. Demonstratives
2.4.3. Practice: Two Quizzes
2.5.1. Possessives
2.5.2. Practice: Whose?
2.5.3. One's Own
3: Numbers, time, the future
3.1.1. Cardinal Numbers (1-10)
3.1.2. Cardinal Numbers (11-100)
3.1.3. Cardinal Numbers (Hundreds)
3.1.4. Cardinal Numbers (Thousands)
3.1.5. Cardinal Numbers (Millions)
3.2.1. Time
3.2.2. Age
3.3.1. The Week Practice: Song: Days of the week
3.3.2. Reflexive Verbs
3.3.3. Time Prepositions
3.3.4. Quantitative Plural
3.4.1. Future Tense
3.4.2. Future Tense (сум)
3.4.3. Future Tense Negation
3.4.4. Practice: Weather forecast
3.5.1. Months
3.5.2. Ordinal Numbers
3.5.3. Dates
3.5.4. Seasons
4: Ordering, giving, receiving
4.1.1. Introduction to Aspect Practice: Aspect in the future Modal Verbs and Da
4.2.1. Adverbs and Prepositions of Space
4.2.2. Practice: Store Descriptions
4.2.3. Imperatives
4.2.4. Practice: Poem excerpts
4.2.5. Other Commands
4.2.6. Directions
4.3.1. Introduction to the Object Pronouns
4.3.2. Short Indirect Object Pronouns: Describing Family
4.3.3. Other Uses of Short Indirect Object Pronouns
4.3.4. Short Direct Object Pronouns: Describing Pain
4.3.5. Short Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns: Pain Part 2
4.3.6. Reduplication: Short Indirect and Direct Object Pronouns Together
4.4.1. Long Indirect Object Pronouns: Likes and Dislikes
4.4.2. Long Direct Object Pronouns: Ordering Drinks
5: Past events
5.1. Introduction to the Past Tenses
5.2.1. Imperfect of A-verbs
5.2.2. Imperfect of E-verbs
5.2.3. Imperfect of I-verbs
5.2.4. Imperfect of сум
5.3.1. Aorist of A-verbs Aorist of E-verbs (part 1) Aorist of E-verbs (part 2) Aorist of E-verbs (part 3) Aorist of I-verbs (part 1) Aorist of I-verbs (part 2)
5.3.4. Practice: Imperfect and aorist
5.4.1. L-form of A-verbs L-form of E-verbs (part 1) L-form of E-verbs (part 2)
5.4.3. L-form of I-verbs
5.4.4. L-past
Live Online Macedonian Classes for Children
Beginner 1 Syllabus
Beginner 2 Syllabus
Beginner 3 Syllabus
Beginner 4 Syllabus
Special Topics: Cursive Writing Syllabus
Preschool Syllabus
For linguists
Live Online Macedonian Classes for Adults
1: Introduction
2: Another introduction
3: Kids introduction
4: On the phone
5: Getting to know you
6: Describing objects and people
7: Describing objects
8: Meeting an old friend
9: Comparisons
10: The Beauties of Macedonia
11: Plans for the Week
12: Scheduling a Meeting
13: Celebrating May 1st
14: Shopping for a Jacket
15: Shopping for Boots
16: Shopping for a Shirt
17: The Family and the Carrot
18: My Favorite Vacation
19: Teas and Home Remedies
20: Planning to Go Out
Culture and Folklore Texts
Forgiveness Day
Story Videos
Човекот со среќата во шупливата цреша
За твојот роденден
Трите сестри самовили
Алтаниниот мост
Children's Rhymes and Games
Стани, стани детенце
Малиот/малата ...
Сол макарон
Тапши, тапши
Две рачички
Кој се плаши
О мони мони ма
Шири шири
Ема есаса
Слики апарат
Сакате ли војна
Нека бие
Еци пеци пец
Глава рамења колена и прсти
Hokey Pokey/Cokey
Interactive games for children
Ordering Food and Drinks
Body Parts
Macedonian Cities
Video rhyme drawings
Crossword Puzzles
1. Pronouns
2. A-verbs
3. E-verbs
4. I-verbs
5. To be/Сум
6. Numbers (1-10)
7. Numbers (11-100)
8. Days of the week
9. Months of the year
10. Planets
11. Prepositions of space
12. Prepositions of time
13. Family
14. Imperatives
Short indirect object pronouns
Short direct object pronouns
Long indirect object pronouns
Long direct object pronouns
1. Numbers 1-10 (a)
2. Numbers 1-10 (b)
Directions Simulation
Vocabulary Jeopardy
Vocabulary (зборови)
Click on the Macedonian word to hear its pronunciation.