replica rolex


In this weekly 30-minute class, we'll sing songs in Macedonian, move our bodies and dance, as well as listen to stories in Macedonian. Through the unstructured learning in this class, children ages 2-5 can be exposed to Macedonian language and culture. We have a maximum of 5 children per class so they can get individualized attention. It also allows us to tailor the classes to the child(ren) and follow their interests and reactions. One parent or grandparent must attend with their child(ren).

Week 1

In this lesson, we'll introduce ourselves orally using this template:

  • Јас се викам .... (I call myself ....)
  • Мило ми е! (Glad to meet you!)

We'll listen to, act out, and learn this song:

Week 2

In this lesson, we'll review our names and the song we learned last time. If everyone remembers it, we'll continue playing with our hands with the song Тапши тапши танана and the motions that go along with it.

Week 3

After reviewing our names and songs learned so far, we'll continue learning the names of the parts of the body with the song Глава, рамења, колена и прсти.

Week 4

We'll continue reviewing the songs we already know as well as the body parts we've learned by asking:

  • Каде е твојата глава/рака/нога...?
  • Каде е главата/раката/ногата... на мама/тато/баба/дедо?

Week 5

After reviewing some of the vocabulary and songs we've already learned, we'll continue moving to songs with the Macedonian version of the Hokey Pokey.

Week 6

We continue learning about body parts and movement to the left/right as well as up/down. We'll review the songs and words we already know and learn forward/backward. At the end, we'll play the Macedonian version of Simon Says (Симона вели).

Week 7

We'll review the songs and vocabulary we've learned so far and add a new song that helps us review motions and learn new vocabulary: Малиот/малата ....

Week 8

We'll review the vocabulary we've learned so far through the games we've learned and we'll add two colors to our vocabulary: црвено (red) and зелено (green). Then we'll play the game "Red light, green light" by one person yelling out the color and the others either go (on green) or stop (on red).

Week 9

We'll continue building out vocabulary for colors by naming colors of our favorite toys. We'll read the book "Animals and their Favorite Colors" (you can purchase your own copy here).

Week 10

We'll review our favorite colors and animals/toys from the book and play "Simon Says" (Симона вели) by touching items of that color in our surroundings. We'll watch this video about 5 colors and use some coloring sheets from the Victorian School of Languages.

Week 11

We'll start to learn how to count by using our fingers and watching this video of Darko Biberko counting bananas.

Week 12

In this class, we'll review the numbers that we've learned so far and keep practicing with another song about counting dinosaurs!
