replica rolex Aorist of E-verbs (part 1)

Remember that there are three types of verbs based on their last vowel in the dictionary form: a-verbs, e-verbs, and и-verbs, i.e. those ending in a, e, and и, respectively, in the form found in the dictionary. Remember also that based on their aspect, there are two types of verbs: imperfective and perfective. In forming the past tenses, three questions need to be kept in mind:

    • what is the aspect of the verb,
    • whether the last vowel of the dictionary form changes (and if so, to what), and
    • what the endings are.

The aorist (минато определено свршено време - МОС) is the second past tense you will learn about. It is made from perfective verbs. For forming the aorist from perfective verbs that end in e in the dictionary, you also need to know (memorize) which subgroup a particular verb falls into. The two subgroups you learn about in this tutorial exhibit the change of the vowel from e to a. For verbs that end in -epe, the first of these "e"s is dropped, and the second e changes to a. For example:

  • помине (dictionary form) > помина (final e>a)
  • разбере (dictionary form) > разбрe (first e of the -epe part is dropped) > разбра (the final e>a)

After making these transformations, to make the aorist, the following endings are added

  • јас -в
  • ти, тој, таа, тоа -
  • ние -вме
  • вие -вте
  • тие -а

where the - represents the form reflecting the abovementioned transformations.

In this lesson, you see that you can sometimes leave off a possessive adjective (мој, твој, негов, нејзин, etc.) and just use a definite article to convey the same (possessive) meaning. This is possible:

    • if the possessor is the person to whom a statement or question is addressed. For example,
      • Како беше одморот? How was the vacation? (implying your - singular or plural)
      • Како е ќерката? How is the daughter? (implying your - singular or plural)
    • in response to a question containing an assumed possessive. For example,
      • Семејството е добро. The family is fine (implying my or our).

What next?

    • Now learn about what happens to the vowel with another set of groups of e-verbs before the aorist endings are added (click here).


Click on the Macedonian word to hear its pronunciation.
  • a - conjunction - and, well, but, whereas
  • англиски - adjective - English
  • биде - verb - to be (for non-present)
  • благодари - verb - thank
  • ваш - (possessive) adjective - yours (plural or formal)
  • во - preposition - in, at, to
  • возење - noun - driving
  • време - noun - time, weather
  • да - yes, or to in between two verbs
  • дали - interrogative, conjunction - whether
  • добро - adverb - well, fine, ok
  • долг - adjective - long
  • домашно - adjective (but used without a noun) - homework
  • за - preposition- for
  • зборува - imperfective verb - speak, talk (perfective is прозборува, begin to talk)
  • знае - imperfective verb - know (perfective is дознае, find out)
  • и - conjunction - and
  • играчкa - noun - toy
  • изгрее - perfective verb - (sun)rise (imperfective is изгрева)
  • или - conjunction - or
  • има - imperfective verb - have
  • инструктор - noun - instructor for skills such as driving or sports
  • испит - noun - exam (academic)
  • како - interrogative - how
  • кивне - perfective verb - sneeze (imperfective is кива)
  • кога - interrogative - when
  • кревет - noun - bed
  • легне - perfective verb - lie down (imperfective is легнува)
  • лесно - adverb - easily, lightly
  • лет - noun - flight
  • ли - interrogative - not translated
  • мирен - adjective - quiet, peaceful
  • многу - adjective or adverb - much, many, a lot
  • на - preposition - on, at, to, of
  • напише - perfective verb - write (down) (imperfective is пишува)
  • не - negation - no, not
  • одговор - noun - answer
  • оди - imperfective verb - go, walk (perfective is отиде)
  • одмор - noun - rest, vacation
  • падне - perfective verb - fall (down) (imperfective is паѓа)
  • пак - adverb - again
  • пат - noun - road, trip, time (such as first time, two times, etc.)
  • по - preposition - after, according to, in a subject area
  • помине, си помине - perfective verb - pass (both physically pass through or by, and time passing) (imperfective is поминува, си поминува)
  • помогне - perfective verb - help (imperfective is помага)
  • помош - noun - help
  • праша - perfective verb - ask a question (imperfective is прашува)
  • прашање - noun - question
  • приказна - noun - story, tale
  • проблем - noun - problem
  • разбере - perfective verb - understand (imperfective is разбира)
  • раскаже - perfective verb - tell, narrate (imperfective is раскажува)
  • рече - perfective verb - say (imperfective is кажува)
  • сака - imperfective verb - like, love, want (perfective is засака, begin to like/love, посака, wish for)
  • сè - noun - everything
  • се сопне - perfective verb - trip (imperfective is се сопнува)
  • сега - adverb - now
  • седне - perfective verb - sit down (imperfective is седнува)
  • сите - noun - everyone, or as adjective, all
  • собере - perfective verb - collect, pick up (imperfective is собира)
  • сонце - noun - sun
  • спиење - noun - sleep
  • стане - perfective verb - get up (imperfective is станува)
  • сум - verb - be
  • супер - adjective or adverb - super, great (note: the form stays the same for all genders)
  • татко - noun - father
  • тато - noun - dad
  • убаво - adverb - nicely, prettily
  • час - noun - hour, lesson, class (of instruction)
  • што - interrogative - what