replica rolex

5.2.2. Imperfect of E-verbs

Remember that there are three types of verbs based on their last vowel in the dictionary form: a-verbs, e-verbs, and и-verbs, i.e. those ending in a, e, and и, respectively, in the form found in the dictionary. Remember also that based on their aspect, there are two types of verbs: imperfective and perfective. In forming the past tenses, three questions need to be kept in mind:

    • what is the aspect of the verb,
    • whether the last vowel of the dictionary form changes (and if so, to what), and
    • what the endings are.

The imperfect (минато определено несвршено време - МОН) is the first past tense you will learn about. It is made from imperfective verbs (although the endings below can also be added to perfective verbs in certain other contexts). To make the imperfective, the following endings are added

  • јас -в
  • ти, тој, таа, тоа -ше
  • ние -вме
  • вие -вте
  • тие -а

where the - represents the dictionary form.

With e-verbs that have a vowel preceding the e, such as пее "sing", мие "wash", and many others, after the third person plural -a ending is added, three vowels are found in succession ("eea" or "иеа"). Therefore, the spelling rule which dictates that the final two vowels are separated by a "j" is enforced. For example: пеев, пееше, пеевме, пеевте, but пееја; миев, миеше, миевме, миевте, but миеја.

What next?

    • Do you need more practice with the endings for the imperfect of e-verbs? Try this quiz (click here).
    • Think you got it? Move on to learn about the imperfect of i-verbs (click here).


Click on the Macedonian word to hear its pronunciation.
  • а - conjunction - and, uh, well, whereas
  • ама - conjunction - but
  • вечер - noun - evening
  • вино - noun - wine
  • дома - adverb - at home, to home
  • егзотичен - adjective - exotic
  • екскурзија - noun - excursion, field trip, junior/senior year trip
  • и - conjunction - and
  • интересен - adjective - interesting
  • јаде - imperfective verb - eat (perfective is изеде)
  • јадење - noun - food, dish
  • јастог - noun - lobster
  • коктел - noun - cocktail
  • македонски - adjective - Macedonian
  • мама - noun - mother, mom
  • месо - noun - meat
  • морски - adjective - of the sea
  • на - preposition - on, to, at, of
  • навистина - adverb - really, truthfully
  • не - negation - no or not
  • но - conjunction - but, however
  • омилен - adjective - favorite
  • па - conjunction - so, therefore
  • пие - imperfective verb - drink (perfective is испие, drink up, drink it all)
  • пијалок - noun - drink
  • плод - noun - fruit, result, yield, offspring
  • разновиден - adjective - various, of different kinds
  • ракија - noun - homemade moonshine
  • риба - noun - fish
  • сарма - noun - stuffed leaves (generally cabbage leaves but could also be grapevine leaves)
  • секој - adjective - every
  • сок - noun - juice
  • сум - imperfective verb - be
  • тавче гравче - noun - a traditional Macedonian dish of baked great northern beans
  • тато - noun - dad, daddy, father
  • тоа - pronoun - it or that
  • традиционален - adjective - traditional
  • турли тава - noun - traditional Macedonian casserole dish of mixed vegetables
  • храна - noun - food
  • црвен - adjective - red
  • шкампи - noun - scampi, shrimp
  • што - interrogative - what