replica rolex Aorist of E-verbs (part 2)

Remember that there are three types of verbs based on their last vowel in the dictionary form: a-verbs, e-verbs, and и-verbs, i.e. those ending in a, e, and и, respectively, in the form found in the dictionary. Remember also that based on their aspect, there are two types of verbs: imperfective and perfective. In forming the past tenses, three questions need to be kept in mind:

    • what is the aspect of the verb,
    • whether the last vowel of the dictionary form changes (and if so, to what), and
    • what the endings are.

The aorist (минато определено свршено време - МОС) is the second past tense you learn about. It is made from perfective verbs. For forming the aorist from perfective verbs that end in e in the dictionary, you also need to know (memorize) which subgroup a particular verb falls into. The four subgroups you learn about in this tutorial exhibit different changes, not only of the final vowel of the dictionary form, but some of them also undergo changes of the consonant preceding that final vowel. Specifically:

  1. the subgroup represented by запре (stop) undergoes no change. For example:
    • јас запрев, ти/тој/таа/тоа запре, ние запревме, вие запревте, тие запреа
  2. the subgroup represented by дојде (come) and најде (find) undergoes no change in the ти/тој/таа/тоа form, but in the remaining forms, -e>-o. For example:
    • јас дојдов, ти/тој/таа/тоа дојде, ние дојдовме, вие дојдовте, тие дојдоа
    • јас најдов, ти/тој/таа/тоа најде, ние најдовме, вие најдовте, тие најдоа
  3. the subgroup represented by излезе (go out, come out, exit) undergoes no change in the ти/тоj/таа/тоа form, but in the remaining forms, -зе>-го. For example:
    • јас излегов, ти/тој/таа/тоа излезе, ние излеговме, вие излеговте, тие излегоа 
  4. the subgroup represented by рече (say) undergoes no change in the ти/тој/таа/тоа form but in the remainin forms, -че>ко. For example:
    • јас реков, ти/тој/таа/тоа рече, ние рековме, вие рековте, тие рекоа 

Note that the examples above still reflect the aorist endings you are already familiar with:

  • јас -в
  • ти, тој, таа, тоа -
  • ние -вме
  • вие -вте
  • тие -а

These endings are added onto the the form reflecting the above-mentioned transformations.

Notes about language/phrase use

1. веќе (не)/уште (не) - In this tutorial, you encounter the adverbs веќе, already, and уште не, not yet. Both веќе and уште can be used without the "не" to mean already and more (respectively). When the "не" is added, they mean not any more and not yet (respectively). As demonstrated in this tutorial, when веќе is used in a question, and the answer is negative, it is appropriate to use уште не in the answer.

2. умира, умре од ... - In this tutorial, you also encounter the verb to die (of) something. Some phrases that utilize this construction metaphorically include:

  • умира, умре од глад - die of hunger
  • умира, умре од жед/жега - die of thirst
  • умира, умре од студ - die of the cold
  • умира, умре од топло - die of the hot weather
  • умира, умре од досада/здодевност - die of boredom
  • умира, умре од болки - die of pain
  • умира, умре од смеење/смеа - die of laughter
  • умира, умре од неизвесност - die of suspense
  • умира, умре од срам - die of shame
  • умира, умре од чекање - die of waiting
  • го/ја умира, умре од зафркавање/зафрканции - kill someone with teasing

3. Благодари, заблагодари за/што - In this tutorial, you also encounter the phrase благодари/заблагодари што ... When you are expressing gratitude for an object (expressed with a noun), use the preposition за (for) and the noun. When you are expressing gratitude for an action (expressed with a verb), use the interrogative/conjunction што (what/that) followed by the verb in the appropriate tense (past, present, or future) as determined by the context. Here are some examples:

  • Благодарам за музиката. Thanks for the music.
  • Благодарам што ми свиреше музика. Thanks for playing music for me.

What next?

    • Next, learn about what happens to the vowels in the third set of subgroups of e-verbs  (click here).


Click on the Macedonian word to hear its pronunciation.
  • а - preposition - and, well, but, whereas
  • авион - noun - airplane
  • Ана - proper noun - female name, Anna
  • благодари - imperfective verb - thank (perfective is заблагодари)
  • брат - noun - brother
  • веднаш - adverb - immediately, right away
  • веќе - adverb - already
  • влезе - perfective verb - enter (imperfective is влегува)
  • во - preposition - in, to, at
  • вчера - adverb - yesterday
  • даде - perfective verb - give (imperfective is дава)
  • денар - noun - denar, Macedonian currency
  • денес - adverb - today
  • дете - noun - child
  • добредојде/добродојде - phrase - welcome (to one person, informal)
  • добредојдовте/добродојдовте - phrase - welcome (to one person (formal) or more than one person)
  • добро те/ве најдов - phrase - response to "welcome," literally "may I have found you well" (те when responding to one person (informal), ве when responding to one person (formal) or more than one person)
  • добро те/ве најдовме - phrase - response to "welcome," literally "may we have found you well" (те when responding to one person (informal), ве when responding to one person (formal) or more than one person)
  • дојде - perfective verb - come (imperfective is доаѓа)
  • допре - perfective verb - touch (imperfective is допира)
  • досада - noun - boredom
  • езеро - noun - lake
  • запре - perfective verb - stop (imperfective is запира)
  • знак - noun - sign
  • зошто - interrogative - why
  • и - conjunction - and, also, as well
  • изеде - perfective verb - finish eating (imperfective is јаде, eat)
  • излезе - perfective verb - go out, get out, exit (imperfective is излегува)
  • Ирена - proper noun - female name, Irene
  • каде - interrogative - where
  • како - interrogative - how
  • каков, каква, какво, какви - interrogative - what kind
  • кога - interrogative - when
  • колку - interrogative - how much
  • леле - exclamation - oh, wow
  • многу - adjective or adverb - a lot, many, much
  • молам - phrase - I beg your pardon, excuse me
  • музика - noun - music
  • на - preposition - on, at, to, of
  • навистина - adverb - really
  • најде - perfective verb - find (imperfective is наоѓа)
  • не - negation - no, not
  • но - preposition - but, however
  • облекува, облече - verb - dress i.e. put on an item of clothing (or shoes) on someone
  • од - preposition - from
  • Охрид - proper noun - city in Macedonia, Ohrid
  • пат - noun - road, trip
  • по - preposition - after, along
  • помине - perfective verb - pass, both literally and time passing, (imperfective is поминува)
  • потоа - adverb - then, after that
  • прв, прва, прво, први - ordinal - first
  • пред - preposition - before, in front of
  • рече - perfective verb - say (imperfective is кажува)
  • се облекува, се облече - verb - get dressed
  • сега - adverb - now
  • СТОП - noun - STOP (sign)
  • студен - adjective - cold
  • сум - verb - be
  • супер - adjective or adverb - great, super (no change with gender of noun)
  • тавче гравче - noun - traditional Macedonian dish with great northern beans
  • улица - noun - street
  • умре - perfective verb - die (imperfective is умира)
  • уште не - adverb - not yet
  • хотел - noun - hotel
  • цел - adjective - whole, entire
  • црвен - adjective - red (used as a noun to mean red light at a crossroads)
  • што - interrogative - what