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3.4.3. Practice: Weather forecast

The weather forecast is usually delivered in a more formal tone than conversational speech. Compare the following:

Formal (weather forecaster) Informal (conversational)
Ќе има врнежи од дожд. 
"There will be rainfall."
Ќе врне дожд.
"It will rain."

Ќе има врнежи од снег.
"There will be snowfall."

Ќе врне снег.
"It will snow."
Ќе има појава на магла. 
"There will be appearance of fog."
Ќе има магла.
"There will be fog."
...во утринските часови... 
"in the morning hours"
"in the morning"
...во претпладневните часови...
"in the hours before noon"
"before noon"
...во попладневните часови...
"in the afternoon hours"
"in the afternoon"
...во вечерните часови...
"in the evening hours"
"in the evening"

A few types of weather include:

    • сончево (време) "sunny (weather)"
      • делумично сончево (време) "partly sunny (weather)"
    • облачно (време) "cloudy (weather)"
      • делумично облачно (време) "partly cloudy (weather)"
    • топло (време) "warm (weather)"
    • жешко (време) "hot (weather)"
    • студено (време) "cold (weather)"
    • роса/роси "sprinkle/sprinkling"
    • дожд "rain"
      • повремен дожд "occasional rain"
      • силен дожд "downpour"
    • град "hail"
    • снег "snow"
      • повремен снег "occasional snow"
    • веавица "snow flurry"
    • магла "fog"
      • повремена магла "occasional fog"
    • грмотевица/грми "thunder/it's thundering"
    • светкавица/светка "lightning/it's lightning"
    • ветер "wind"
      • слаб ветер "weak wind"
      • умерен ветер "steady wind"
      • силен ветер "strong wind"
      • ветер од северен правец/јужен правец/западен правец/источен правец "wind from the north/south/west/east"

The first five above can be prefaced with the phrase "Времето е" to describe the weather. For example:

  • Времето е сончево. "The weather is sunny."
  • Времето е студено. "The weather is cold."

All of the above, except for the verbs роси, грми, and светка can be prefaced with the verb има "have" to describe the weather. For example:

  • Имаме сончево време. "We are having sunny weather."
  • Има магла. "There is fog." 
  • Ќе има грмотевица. "There will be thunder."

Additionally, дожд and снег can follow the verb врне "to rain, have precipitation" as in the examples in the table above. The verbs роси, грми, and светка can make sentences just by themselves. For example:

  • Грми. "It's thundering."
  • Ќе роси. "It will sprinkle."

The temperature:

  • (температурата) ќе се движи од... до... "will move/range"
  • (температурата) ќе се движи околу... "will move/range around..."
  • (температурата) ќе се спушти до... "will go down to..." 
  • (температурата) ќе се качи до... "will go up to..."

A matter of degrees (note that the scale (Celsius or Fahrenheit) comes before the word "degrees" in Macedonian):

  • Целзиусови степени "degrees Celsius"
  • Фаренхајтови степени "degrees Fahrenheit"

What next?

    • Want to hear the vocabulary of these tutorials in context? You can hear how to ask for availability and schedule meetings in this audiocast: Scheduling a meeting. When you're done, don't forget to come back to the Learn portion of the website.
    • Think you got it? Move on to learn the ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.) (click here).


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