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4.2.3 Imperatives

When you want to command someone (you or you all) to do something or not to do something, you use the second person imperatives. To express these imperatives, you have to know which group (-a, -e or -и) the verb belongs to, and for the latter two groups, whether the letter/sound before last is a vowel or consonant. Based on this information, you follow the rules from the table below:


if the dictionary form ends in: and you are commanding one person and you are commanding more than one person or one person respectfully


add ј
for example: зборувај, "talk"

add јте
for example: зборувајте, "talk"

vowel-e or vowel-и

remove final letter and add j
for example: пиј, "drink"

remove final letter and add јте
for example: пијте, "drink"

consonant-e or consonant-и

remove final letter and add и
for example: вози, "drive"

remove final letter and add ете
for example: возете, "drive"

Two exceptions are:

    • даде (perfective of дава - give), which forms the imperative дај, дајте
    • ела, елате - come, come here - which only exists in Macedonian as an imperative and is a borrowing from Greek

Negation is formed by:

    • either adding не in front of the imperative, for example: не зборувај, не зборувајте "don't talk" (singular, plural)
    • or with the construction немој да/немојте да plus present tense (or to be + l-form, which you will learn in Unit 5), for example: немој да зборуваш, немојте да зборувате "don't talk" (singular, plural)

The order of the reflexive "се" is different with imperatives than with present and future tense. Compare:

    • present: Се туширам, "I'm taking a shower"
    • future: Ќе се туширам, "I will be taking a shower"
    • imperative: Туширај се! "Take a shower!"
    • negated imperative 1: Не се туширај! "Don't take a shower!"
    • negated imperative 2: Немој да се тушираш! "Don't take a shower!"

With imperatives, both imperfective and perfective verbs can be used, depending on the speaker's focus. With the negated imperatives, imperfectives are more common. The construction не + perfective verb is very rare, and denotes a threat. Even if you want to command someone not to do something one time or for a short time (for which you would normally use a perfective verb), it is better to use an imperfective one with a negated imperative. Only if you want to focus on finishing the action through to the end is it acceptable to use a perfective verb with the немој да/немојте да imperative.

What next?

    • Want some more practice? Click here to practice with excerpts from the famous Macedonian poem „Денови“ by Кочо Рацин.
    • Want more practice? Try this crossword puzzle. After you're done, don't forget to come back to the Learn part of the website.
    • Want  to use commands in the context of asking for and following directions? Click here for the Directions tutorial.
    • Think you got it? Move on to learn about imperatives such as "let's" and "let him/her/them" (click here).


Click on the Macedonian word to hear its pronunciation.
  • англиски - adverb and adjective - English
  • Бисера - proper noun - female name, Pearl
  • благодари - imperfective verb - thank (perfective is заблагодари)
  • брат - noun - brother
  • внимателно - adverb - carefully
  • во - preposition - in, to, at
  • вози, повози - verb - drive, drive for a little while
  • време - noun - time
  • град - noun - city, town
  • да - yes or to (in between verbs)
  • дава, даде - verb - give
  • два, две - numeral - two (masculine, feminine/neuter)
  • десет - numeral - ten
  • до - preposition - until, next to, up to, down to, to
  • доаѓа, дојде - verb - come, arrive
  • добар - adjective - good
  • добрo - adverb - well, fine
  • еден - numeral - one
  • еднаш - adverb - one time, once
  • еј - exclamation - hey
  • ела, елате - imperative - come
  • за - preposition - for
  • за да - conjunction - in order to
  • изброи - perfective verb - count (until the end) (imperfective is брои)
  • излезе - perfective verb - go out, exit (imperfective is излегува)
  • јаде - imperfective verb - eat (perfective is изеде - finish eating)
  • Јован - proper noun - male name, John
  • кај - preposition - to a person, near
  • книга - noun - book
  • кога - interrogative - when
  • крај - noun - end
  • се крие, се скрие - verb - hide
  • круг - noun - circle
  • македонски - adjective or adverb - Macedonian
  • малку - adverb - a little
  • мама - noun - mommy
  • мирeн - adjective - quiet, peaceful, still, for a child - good
  • може - imperfective verb - can (perfective is сможе - start being able to)
  • молам - phrase - You're welcome (from моли - to beg, plead, pray)
  • не - negation - no, not
  • оди - imperfective verb - go, walk (perfective is отиде)
  • па - conjunction - well, then, so
  • пак - adverb - again
  • партнер - noun - partner
  • пие - imperfective verb - drink (perfective is испие - drink to the end)
  • повторува, повтори - verb - repeat
  • помфрит - noun - french fries, pommes frites
  • разговара, поразговара - verb - discuss, chat, talk
  • сé - noun - everything
  • сака - imperfective verb - like, love, want (perfectives are засака - start liking, loving, wanting; посака - wish)
  • свој - adjective - one's own
  • се бричи - imperfective verb - shave (perfective is се избричи - finish shaving)
  • се буди, се разбуди - verb - wake up
  • се враќа - imperfective verb - return, come back (perfective is се врати)
  • се крие, се скрие - verb - hide (yourself)
  • се мие, се измие - verb - wash (yourself)
  • се одмори -perfective  verb - rest (yourself) (imperfective is се одмара)
  • се сели - imperfective verb - move, relocate (perfective is се пресели)
  • седнува, седне - verb - sit, sit down
  • со - preposition - with
  • спие - imperfective verb - sleep (perfective is заспие)
  • стои, застане - verb - stand, stop, cease moving
  • Стојан - proper noun - male name, Stoyan
  • сум, биде - verb - be
  • сум на ред - phrase - take a turn
  • твој - adjective - your (singular person)
  • трча, истрча - verb - run, finish running
  • туку - conjunction - instead, but
  • училиште - noun - elementary school
  • уште - adverb - still, more
  • хамбургер - noun - hamburger
  • цел - adjective - whole, entire
  • чај - noun - tea
  • чао - greeting - bye
  • час - noun - hour, time
  • често - adverb - often
  • чита, прочита - verb - read, finish reading