Click on the Macedonian word to hear its pronunciation.
- биде - imperfective verb - be
- вечер - noun - evening
- врат - noun - throat
- ѓердан - noun - necklace
- гроб - noun - grave
- себе - pronoun - oneself
- двор - noun - yard
- копа - imperfective verb - dig (perfective - ископа)
- ден - noun - day
- алка - noun - chainlink, bracelet
- донесе - perfective verb - bring (imperfective - носи)
- доцна - adverb - late
- наутро - adverb - in the morning
- друг - adjective - another
- железен - adjective - iron
- околу - preposition - around
- живот - noun - life
- имот - noun - property
- бел - adjective - white
- кован - adjective - cast from iron
- синџир - noun - chain
- навезен - adjective - crocheted
- понесе - perfective verb - take with you (imperfective - носи)
- навечер - adverb - in the evening
- работи - imperfective verb - work (perfective - сработи, изработи)
- за - preposition - for
- радост - noun - joy, happiness
- рано - adverb - early
- дојде - perfective verb - come (imperfective - доаѓа)
- 'рга - imperfective verb - work hard (archaic, not used today)
- мака - noun - trouble
- роб - noun - slave
- само - adverb - only
- се роди - perfective verb - be born (imperfective - се раѓа)
- си - clitic - used only with verbs, it means for one's own benefit, relief, or pleasure
- скот - noun - bastard
- стане - perfective verb - get up, become (imperfective - станува)
- тага - noun - sadness
- трга - imperfective verb - move (something), change its location, set out somewhere (perfective - тргне)
- ниже - imperfective verb - put on a string, one by one, in succession (perfective - наниже)
- туѓ - adjective - foreign, another person's
- умре - perfective -verb - die (imperfective - умира)
- скотски - adjective and adverb - bastardly
- утре - adverb - tomorrow
- цел - adjective - whole, entire
- црн - adjective - black
- човек - noun - man, human