Prepositions appear before a noun or noun phrase. The prepositions that describe placement and that are introduced in this tutorial are:
- пред - in front of
- зад - behind
- над - above
- под - below, under
- во - in
- на - on
- кај - near
- низ - through
- по - along
- околу - around
- наспроти - across from
- лево од - to the left of
- десно од - to the right of
Adverbs modify verbs. The adverbs that refer to directions and that are introduced in this tutorial are:
- горе, нагоре - up, upward
- долу, надолу - down, downward
- право - straight
- внатре - inside
- надвор - outside
- десно, надесно - right, to the right
- лево, налево - left, to the left