replica rolex

5.3.1. Aorist of A-verbs

Remember that there are three types of verbs based on their last vowel in the dictionary form: a-verbs, e-verbs, and и-verbs, i.e. those ending in a, e, and и, respectively, in the form found in the dictionary. Remember also that based on their aspect, there are two types of verbs: imperfective and perfective. In forming the past tenses, three questions need to be kept in mind:

    • what is the aspect of the verb,
    • whether the last vowel of the dictionary form changes (and if so, to what), and
    • what the endings are.

The aorist (минато определено свршено време - МОС) is the second past tense you will learn about. It is made from perfective verbs. For perfective verbs that end in a in the dictionary, the a does not change. To make the aorist, the following endings are added

  • јас -в
  • ти, тој, таа, тоа -
  • ние -вме
  • вие -вте
  • тие -а

where the - represents the dictionary form.

What next?

    • Think you got it? Move on to apply the aorist endings to e-verbs and discover what changes some of the vowels undergo  (click here).


Click on the Macedonian word to hear its pronunciation.
  • брзо - adverb - quickly, fast
  • веќе - adverb - already, any more
  • волшебник - noun - magician, wizard
  • град - noun - city, town
  • да - yes or to (between verbs)
  • денес - adverb - today
  • добар ден - phrase - good day, good afternoon
  • за - preposition - for
  • и - conjunction - and
  • интересен - adjective - interesting
  • кога - interrogative - when
  • краток - adjective - short
  • лектира - noun - book for assigned reading, assigned book for reading in school
  • ли - interrogative - not translated, question marker
  • минута - noun - minute
  • многу - adjective or adverb - a lot, many, much
  • на - preposition - on, at, to, of
  • навистина - adverb - really, truthfully
  • негов - possessive - his
  • неколку - adjective - several
  • нема, снема - verb - not have (imperfective), disappear (perfective, imperfective is снемува, disappear)
  • низ - preposition - through
  • но - conjunction - but, however
  • па - conjunction - so, therefore
  • плажа - noun - beach
  • поразговара - perfective verb - discuss, talk about (imperfective is разговара)
  • почека - perfective verb - wait for a little bit (imperfective is чека, wait)
  • прошета - perfective verb - stroll, go for a stroll/walk (imperfective is шета)
  • разгледа - perfective verb - look around, look at (imperfective is разгледува)
  • само - adverb - only
  • се сонча, се посонча - verb - sunbathe, tan
  • сите - noun or adjective - everyone, all, every
  • сум - verb - to be
  • тоа - pronoun - it, that
  • трпение - noun - patience
  • тука - adverb - here
  • ќерка - noun - daughter
  • ученик - noun - student (in primary or secondary school)
  • фотографија - noun - photograph
  • чита, прочита - verb - read (to the end)